Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rest In Peace, Taylor the Bike

I got hit by a huge Chevy this morning on my way to school. This is what happened to my bike, Taylor. Below are pictures of a few injuries I got from it.

I have had a swelbow since I started skating nut it's never gotten this big.

This is my shin. It hurts more than anything else. It's just really swollen and scraped and i have bruises on my ankle from where it got smashed into the crank of my bike.

Those were my only "bad" injuries so I came out pretty lucky from this one...I wish I could say the same for Taylor.
The dude that hit me was freaking out and drove me to a bank and got me $300 for a new bike.
R.I.P. Tay, you will be missed.


1 comment:

  1. hell yeah!!!! at least you got money and they didnt take off
